Lead compositor and textures maker on Nadia Rais Animation short "Kendila "winner of Premier Prix and multitude selections.
I sat down first with My friend the Producer and Director of Animations Alaa Eddine Abou Taleb Key Production Animation in Tunisia. He introduced to me to Nadia and we started a long journey figuring out the style for this small budget animation. I was the lead compositor with 1 2D animator on TVPaint and backed by my assistant Aymen on compositing the shots specially on the last 3 months of the Project. Nadia coming from Fine Art background wasn't so shure to go digital. She wanted a Collage style inspired by the theme. So we runned for photography sessions around her native town La Marsa and I took videos and photos then I runned some compositings and concepts until we figure it out scen by scene. I used Blender to compose and inspire from 3D shots then I composed everything with a lot of layering and tracking.
It was a facinating experimental experience one that I let me get to know and participate to build the world of Nadia. Unfortunatley I left Tunisia although Nadia insisted that I will be part of her team on the next feature animation in preproduction.
Screening Festival Cinema d'Afrique https://www.cine-afrique.ch/kendila-fr35277.html?fbclid=IwAR1wNJZ-squMv0KmCDxSFWSZ1wOUw8vExNYdXp680h77bG18XeN7YisAN7k#gsc.tab=0