The Station Café

Hey again from Tunisia !
This a project Inspired from The Station F Félicita Concept. Turning Metro Station into an almost Post Apocalyptic Fooliage Café. I've started the project in 3ds max using the vray for rendering. I've been lacking realistic vegetation and fooliage assets with of course high polycount that makes the file suffer enough. So I've turned into Lumian 8. The game engine like gives various tools and an already vegetation library. So I've composed this shot playing with the cinematic available features (depth of field, light rays, GI &...
My secret "Give any 3d for visualsation software to a cinematographer and just watch how he composes his shots"
Enjoy !

Station F

Station F

Rendered on Vray in 3ds Max

Rendered on Vray in 3ds Max

3ds max with fast photoshop vegitation

3ds max with fast photoshop vegitation

Moving to Lumion 8

Moving to Lumion 8

Exporting Seperate objects and retexturing

Exporting Seperate objects and retexturing

Composing and adding effects

Composing and adding effects