Lead compositor and texturing Artist in Kendila winning 2D Short movie animation by Nadia Rais

Lead compositor and textures maker on Nadia Rais Animation short "Kendila "winner of Premier Prix and multitude selections.
I sat down first with My friend the Producer and Director of Animations Alaa Eddine Abou Taleb Key Production Animation in Tunisia. He introduced to me to Nadia and we started a long journey figuring out the style for this small budget animation. I was the lead compositor with 1 2D animator on TVPaint and backed by my assistant Aymen on compositing the shots specially on the last 3 months of the Project. Nadia coming from Fine Art background wasn't so shure to go digital. She wanted a Collage style inspired by the theme. So we runned for photography sessions around her native town La Marsa and I took videos and photos then I runned some compositings and concepts until we figure it out scen by scene. I used Blender to compose and inspire from 3D shots then I composed everything with a lot of layering and tracking.
It was a facinating experimental experience one that I let me get to know and participate to build the world of Nadia. Unfortunatley I left Tunisia although Nadia insisted that I will be part of her team on the next feature animation in preproduction.

Screening Festival Cinema d'Afrique https://www.cine-afrique.ch/kendila-fr35277.html?fbclid=IwAR1wNJZ-squMv0KmCDxSFWSZ1wOUw8vExNYdXp680h77bG18XeN7YisAN7k#gsc.tab=0